Cold Laser Therapy in Greensboro NC

Today's chiropractic treatments are about more than treating back pain with a standard chiropractic adjustment. At Williams Chiropractic you can expect your Greensboro NC chiropractor to use a variety of methods to heal back and neck injuries. One of the areas where our Dr. Aaron Williams stands out is in Cold Laser Therapy.
What is Cold Laser Therapy in Greensboro NC?
Cold laser therapy is common in many chiropractic practices. It is a form of light therapy that uses low levels of light to prevent heating of the body's tissues. It is less intense than other laser therapy that is used medically to destroy tumors or bring tissue together.
During Cold Laser Therapy the light is applied to targeted areas and causes damaged cells to begin regenerating. Depending on the injury and tissue involved, the wavelengths of light may range from around 600 nanometers for light penetration, or up to 950 nanometers for a deeper connection to tissues. It is considered non-evasive and produces no sound, vibration, or heat and treatments themselves typically last just a few minutes.
What Can Laser Therapy Treat?
Laser Therapy is used to remedy a variety of minor injuries and ailments including:
- Herniated Disc
- Bulging Disc
- Knee Pain
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Foot Pain
- Elbow Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Wrist Pain
- Sprains and strains
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Joint discomfort
- Discomfort from autoimmune diseases
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
- Muscle spasms
How Laser Therapy Works:
How Williams Chiropractic Stands Out
While standard laser therapy helps a lot of people, at Williams Chiropractic in Greensboro, NC our chiropractor Dr. Aaron Williams founded a protocol called LASERA that increases the chance of the body accepting cold laser therapy long term. In addition to the treatment itself, patients need to be educated on how to proceed with their day, including maintaining correct alignment so tissue truly heals, so the effects of treatment will last. LASERA focuses on stabilization for better results and fewer return trips to the chiropractor. Actual patient results in 4 weeks:
We know it sounds a little far-fetched: how can a laser help ease pain? A laser’s just a beam of light!
Low-level lasers operate at wavelengths that interact with cells to—among other things—stimulate blood flow, release endorphins, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. And they do it without damaging or heating soft tissue (which is why it’s often known as “cold laser therapy”).Lasera, featuring the K-Laser, is a revolutionary treatment protocol developed by Dr. Aaron Williams, DC. This state-of-the-art laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to deeply penetrate areas of the body. The purpose of this type of therapy is to reduce pain, improve healing time, increase circulation, and decrease swelling.
Laser Therapy Pain-Free, FDA Approved
Although laser therapy was developed in the 1960s, it was just approved by the FDA in 2002. Since it’s approval, laser therapy has been used across the country including professional sports teams. As a matter of fact, the New York Yankees have made it an important part of their training table.
We’re the only laser therapy clinic in Greensboro using the revolutionary Lasera technology, developed by our own Dr. Aaron Williams. This state-of-the-art, non-invasive therapy is ideal for treating acute or chronic pain from illness or injury, and has been used to manage the effects of tendinopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, neck or back pain, herniated discs, contusions, neuropathy, and more.
Other Therapy Options at Williams Chiropractic
While Dr. Williams and his team are proud of the work they have accomplished in laser therapy, the reach of the practice goes even further, and the staff is committed to staying knowledgeable about various treatment options, including DTS or non-surgical decompression therapy as a way to heal disc injuries and compressed nerves. DTS is a type of spinal decompression therapy that is conducted on a DTS table while the patient is either in a face up or face down position and remains fully clothed. It uses computer-controlled traction to deliver force through a harnessed system that decompresses the spine to relieve pressure on the joints and nerves. Most report the procedure to be relaxing, with some even falling asleep.
Regardless of what type of injury you have, there is a good chance that Williams Chiropractic in Greensboro, NC is going to be up to the challenge of helping you feel better. To learn more, or to schedule an assessment, contact us at (336) 299-3037.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Williams Chiropractic & Decompression Center P.C.
3831 W Market St
Greensboro, NC 27407
F: (336) 299-3066